Metadata Summary: Sarasota County Artificial Reefs
Dataset Type: GIS/Spatial Data
Name of Data Source: Sarasota County Artificial Reefs
Number of Water Resources Sampled: Unknown
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset): SARASOTA_REEFS
Description of Datasource: Artificial reefs have been constructed in Sarasota County to increase and enhance recreational fishing and scuba diving areas as well as to create and restore marine habitat lost to coastal development. These reefs support marine life and decrease user pressure on natural reefs.
Method of Transferring Data to the Atlas: Manual transfer via Email
How Often Data is Transferred to the Atlas: Varies
Data Current on Atlas as of: 12/28/2003
Disclaimer/Use Constraints:
Custodian Information:
Sarasota County
Environmental Services
Artificial Reef Program
Natural Resources - Coastal Resources
Contact Name: Michael Solum
Contact Phone: (941)-861-6255
Contact E-mail:
Contact URL: