Metadata Summary: EMD Streamflow Data
Dataset Type: Monitoring/Sampling Data
Name of Data Source: EMD Streamflow Data
Number of Water Resources Sampled: 5
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset): Manatee_EMD_Hydro
Description of Datasource: Evers Reservior watershed stage gage data. EMD operates 5 stage gages in tributaries of the Braden River.
Method of Transferring Data to the Atlas: Manual transfer via Email
How Often Data is Transferred to the Atlas: Semi-Annually
Data Current on Atlas as of: 8/7/2023 3:36:53 PM
Period of Record Within the Atlas: 7/1/1988 - 9/30/2008
Disclaimer/Use Constraints:
These data are provided by the Manatee County Environmental Management Department for general information, only. They are not warranted for any particular use or purpose. The Manatee County Environmental Management Department and the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County do not warrant and are not liable for unintended and inappropriate uses of these data.
Custodian Information:
Manatee County Department of Environmental Management
Watershed Management Division
Environmental Management Department
Contact Name: Greg Blanchard
Contact Phone: 941.742.5980
Contact E-mail:
Contact URL: