Metadata Summary: FDEP South District Sampling Data
Dataset Type: Monitoring/Sampling Data
Name of Data Source: FDEP South District Sampling Data
Number of Water Resources Sampled: 77
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset): STORET_21FLFTM
Description of Datasource: This dataset includes sampling programs to support the TMDL program; Monitoring corresponds with basin rotation schedule and varies with the needs of each basin. In addition, historic and limited current monitoring programs also exist and have focused primary on the Myakka River.
Method of Transferring Data to the Atlas: Manual transfer via STORET
How Often Data is Transferred to the Atlas: Legacy
Data Current on Atlas as of: 11/19/2024 3:07:29 PM
Period of Record Within the Atlas: 1/26/1999 - 10/9/2017
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Custodian Information:
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
FDEP South Regional Operations Center
Div. of Environmental Assessment and Restoration
Water Quality Assessment Program
Contact Name: Kalina Warren
Contact Phone: (407)897-4100
Contact E-mail:
Contact URL: