Please use one of the forms below to communicate with Water Atlas sponsors and staff. If you would like a response, be sure to provide your email address and/or phone number.
Leave a comment regarding any aspect of the website, its ease of use, or ideas for improving it. Be assured that we value your comments, however, we may not reply back to your email.
We need your help to protect your favorite waterbody! Fill out this form and we will contact you with more information about volunteer opportunities.
This is an anonymous forum for reporting illicit dumping. This includes discharges or dumping into lakes, streams, rivers, canals, ditches, stormwater ponds, or even into a manhole, stormdrain or curb inlet in the street.
Do you have a question about how to find data, or are you unsure what it means? Ask Water Atlas staff for assistance.
Do you have any old photos or documents to share? We are looking for residents who have historical information about unique water resources. If you have a few photos that you would like to contribute or documents you would like to suggest, please visit our Submit a Photo or Submit a Document pages. If you have more detailed information, please use our Contribute Historical Information form.