An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Controlled Burns Scheduled for Deer Prairie Creek

The Southwest Florida Water Management District will be conducting "controlled, prescribed burns" during March and April on both the Deer Prairie Creek Preserve and neighboring Schewe Tract.

Deer Prairie Creek Preserve, which is jointly owned and managed by the District and Sarasota County, lies between Interstate 75 and US Highway 41. The Schewe Tract, which lies north and south of Interstate 75 just north of Deer Prairie Creek, is fully owned and managed by the District. Both of these parcels are located west of North Port.

The controlled burns on the Deer Prairie Creek and Schewe parcels, totaling 900 acres, will help protect the nearby populated areas of North Port and Warm Mineral Springs from wildfires. The areas will be burned in small, manageable units. The scheduled, managed burns are a part of routine maintenance of lands managed by the District.

Additional Contact Information

Southwest Florida Water Management District

(352) 796-7211