An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Introduction to Coastal GIS Training Hosted by the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program

Introduction to Coastal GIS Training

Tuesday – Thursday, May 1-3, 2012 from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Florida Gulf Coast University (Academic Building 7, Room 445) in south Fort Myers

The Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program (CHNEP) is pleased to host a three-day training “Introduction to Coastal GIS.” The CHNEP is hosting this training to help its partners in their efforts to protect the natural environment of Florida from Venice to Bonita Springs to Winter Haven and fulfill the CHNEP management plan. This training is offered through the generosity of NOAA Coastal Services Center who are teaching the course and Florida Gulf Coast University who are providing the facility.

Course Overview: This three-day instructor-led course provides students with knowledge and skills to successfully use ArcGIS desktop software versions 9.3 or 10.0. Framed in a coastal management context, the course begins with geographic information system (GIS) fundamentals and introduces tools and techniques useful for addressing coastal issues. In addition to lectures, demonstrations, and exercises in ArcGIS, the course incorporates small group activities and class discussion to reinforce concepts learned in lecture and exercises.

What You Will Learn: After completing this course, participants will be able to:

- Recognize and describe basic GIS concepts and terms.

- Display, query, and edit spatial and attribute data.

- Recognize the benefits of metadata.

- Understand coordinate systems and projections.

- Create a map layout and customize symbology.

Registration: The registration fee of $60 includes refreshment breaks and lunches. If you wish to attend but are unable to pay the registration fee, please contact Maran Hilgendorf. Reservations are accepted as they are received except priority is given to those who are helping to implement the CHNEP management plan. We must have 20 people registered by April 13, 2012 to offer the workshop. To register, please:

1. Complete and submit the on-line registration form at to reserve your seat. It is to your advantage to register as soon as you know you can attend. Once the online registration form is completed, hit “submit” then print your completed form.

2. Thanks to the Friends of Charlotte Harbor Estuary, Inc., we will be able to accept your registration payment by PayPal, credit card or check. (The payment form isn't yet available. Please register and you will be sent an email message once you can pay online.) If you prefer to mail in your payment, make the check payable to the Friends of Charlotte Harbor Estuary, Inc. and mail to:

Friends of Charlotte Harbor Estuary, Inc.

ATTN: Introduction to Coastal GIS Course

PO Box 2245

Fort Myers FL 33902-2245

More details are posted at, including the agenda and online registration form. Details on the meeting facility, lunch options, directions, parking, hotel suggestions and additional information will be posted as they are known.

Please share this message with others you think may be interested in participating, especially if they are or might help implement the CHNEP management plan.

Thank you.

Maran Brainard Hilgendorf, Communications Manager, Phone ext 240

Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program

1926 Victoria Ave, Fort Myers FL 33901-3414

239/338-2556, Toll-free 866/835-5785, Fax 239/338-2560

Working together to protect the natural environment from Venice to Bonita Springs to Winter Haven