An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Groundbreaking set for Sept. 6 for West Dearborn Street pilot stormwater project

The start of a long-awaited community project to provide a regional stormwater facility and water quality treatment for existing and future development in the Englewood Commercial District will be celebrated at a groundbreaking ceremony at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 6, at 348 W Green St., Englewood.

The low-impact design (LID) project will incorporate environmentally friendly "green" features such as bioswales, prepared or mixed soil layers, pervious concrete pavement and stormwater reuse for irrigation. Also, for the first time as part of a county project, equipment will be installed for efficiency monitoring of water samples during and after construction to test for nutrient reduction and water quality. Construction methods are designed to limit the impact on businesses and residents.

The $5.9 million construction contract was awarded to Close Construction LLC of Okeechobee at the Aug. 29 Sarasota County Commission meeting. The firm plans to use several local subcontractors. DMK Associates Inc., with offices in Venice and Englewood, is providing design, engineering and engineer of record services.

The project is slated for completion in November 2013.

Funding will be provided through the Englewood Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Tax Increment Financing (TIF) revenues, a $2.25 million grant from the Southwest Florida Water Management District and a commercial borrow through the county's Capital Improvement Program.

For more information, contact the Sarasota County Call Center at 941-861-5000.​