An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

SBEP Bay Guardians complete project at Jiggs Landing

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SARASOTA, FL – A group of 54 Bay Guardian volunteers with the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program (SBEP) planted more than 1,400 native plants at Jiggs Landing Preserve on Saturday, March 9. Jiggs Landing is located on the Ever’s Reservoir in Manatee County. The property was originally purchased in 1944; the popular fishing camp has undergone extensive renovations and was re-opened to the public in late 2010.

Participants included volunteers from the Old Braden River Historical Society, Cub Scout Troup 22, Take Stock in Children, Around the Bend Nature Tours, and staff members with Manatee County Natural Resources. The Manatee County Natural Resources Department and the Old Braden River Historical Society provided the native plants which included 32 different species. SBEP provided lunch following the morning project.

The Bay Guardians is a family-friendly program that SBEP manages in partnership with Around the Bend Nature Tours. New volunteers receive a blue t-shirt featuring the Bay Guardians logo. Each outing features environmental education and a picnic lunch. Join the Bay Guardians for a single project or as an ongoing commitment. Local school, scout and church groups interested in volunteering can contact Sara Kane.