"Shored up" film examines effects of storm surge and sea level rise on coastal development
This exclusive screening of the powerful new documentary Shored Up should be seen by all residents of coastal areas. Find out what happens when human nature and the force of nature collide, and the hard choices that result when coastal development is impacted by storms and sea level rise. Meet and chat with Director Ben Kalina after the film about his inspiration and perspiration in creating this important work.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 5 at 6:30 pm, followed by discussion
WHERE: The Mildred Sainer Pavilion at New College of Florida. 5313 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota
WHO: Presented by New College of Florida and Union of Concerned Scientists with Rising Seas, Science and Environment Council of Southwest Florida, Shafer Consulting, Sarasota Bay Estuary Program and BDH Associates.
» Event flyer
RSVP: Free, but seating is limited.