An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Sarasota County selected by United Nations as Host Community for World Environment Day in North Ame

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Sarasota County has been selected by the United Nations Environment Programme’s Regional Office for North America (UNEP RONA) as the official North American host community for World Environment Day (WED) 2014.

Established in 1972 and celebrated every year in more than 100 countries on June 5, WED is one of the UN’s primary vehicles through which it stimulates environmental awareness and action worldwide. The awareness campaign comprises more than a single day of concentrated efforts. WED, which launches on Earth Day, April 22, offers North America a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between two important days on the global environment calendar, and provides the community a six-week period during which they can organize activities and events culminating on June 5.erican host community for World Environment Day (WED) 2014.