An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

FWC to meet June 23-25 in Sarasota

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) will meet June 23-25 in the Hyatt Regency, 1000 Boulevard of the Arts, Sarasota. All sessions are open to members of the public who want to attend.

The half-day session Tuesday, June 23, starts at 1:30 p.m. and focuses on strategic discussions on:

  • The Florida panther – Staff will give a status report on panther conservation and management for Commission discussion and policy direction.
  • Imperiled Species Management Plan – A summary of changes staff made to the draft plan based on new scientific information and stakeholder input, as well as potential species listing reclassifications.

The sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, June 24 and 25, both start at 8:30 a.m. The public will be provided opportunities to speak during these two days.

Topics on the June 24 agenda are:
  • Voting on the consent agenda.
  • Staff will present proposed final rules for bear management, including revised measures against intentional feeding of bears and other wildlife and new rules for a limited bear hunting season.
  • Staff will also present proposed draft rules to change statewide and specific length limits for black bass species. The proposed changes will be presented for final rule in June 2016 and would take effect in July 2016.

Topics on the June 25 agenda include:
  • A possible barracuda draft rule addressing population declines in south Florida.
  • Discussion of a proposed special opportunity for lobster harvesters who remove invasive lionfish during the two-day lobster mini-season.

For the full agenda and links to background reports, go to and select “Commission Meetings.” Follow live coverage on Twitter @MyFWC ( and join in the conversation by using tag #FWC2015! Check the Florida Channel for possible live coverage at