Sarasota Bay Today Announces Interviews with Fox, Tanner and Moore
SARASOTA, FL – The three newest interviews on the SBEP-sponsored Sarasota Bay Today website feature Suzi Fox, the Executive Director of AMI Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring, Brad Tanner, the Senior School Program Coordinator with Mote Marine Laboratory, and Randy Moore, CEO of Triple 3 Marketing and Director of the Sarasota Bay Water Festival.
Suzi and Brad serve on the SBEP Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). Triple 3 Marketing is the marketing contractor for SBEP. Sarasota Bay Today features 27 interviews with professionals focused on restoring, protecting and studying Sarasota Bay.
Prior interviews include Michael Crosby with Mote Marine Laboratory, Craig Bridges with the Sarasota Sailing Squadron, Christine Johnson with the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast, David Pilston with Save Our Seabirds, Karen Willey with Around the Bend Nature Tours, Tim Rumage with Ringling School of Art & Design, former Sarasota County Commissioner Jon Thaxton, former Manatee County Commissioner Michael Gallen, Cris Costello with the Sierra Club, Frank Alcock with New College of Florida, Jeanne Dubi with Sarasota Audubon, Lou Newman, a retired veterinarian and professional photographer, Sherri Swanson with HDR Engineering, James Powell with Sea to Shore Alliance, Jay Leverone with the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program, and Tom Ries with Scheda Ecological and the Ecosphere Restoration Institute.