An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Carlos Beruff resigns from SWFWMD board

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MANATEE COUNTY - Manatee County developer Carlos Beruff resigned Wednesday from the Southwest Florida Water Management District, a day after supporting the approval of a controversial permit allowing his friend and fellow developer Pat Neal to build on an environmentally sensitive shoreline.

On Tuesday, Beruff made the motion to approve a wetlands mitigation permit so Neal can build a family compound on mangrove-fringed land facing Anna Maria Sound.

With Beruff leading the way, the water district board approved Neal's request for an “environmental resource permit” for 3.46 acres of a 40.36-acre site on Perico Island where he wants to build a four-home subdivision for his family. After the approval, Beruff said he was not acting on his friendship with Neal but on a favorable recommendation about Neal's application by the staff of the water management district (commonly called Swiftmud).

Beruff had already sent a letter to the governor giving Wednesday as his last day as a board member