Register now for 10th Annual Sustainable Communities Workshop
Register now for a full day of inspiring speakers and conversations about saving natural resources, creating social equity, boosting energy efficiency and more, at the 10th Annual Sustainable Communities Workshop. Join your fellow staff and community members Dec. 3 at the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida Event and Conference Center, 4750 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota.
The workshop's "Learning from Our Past, Charting Our Future" theme recognizes the history of local sustainability leadership over the last decade while bringing diverse stakeholders together to plan the next 10 years. Expert speakers will discuss community strategies and resources, and best practices from other communities. The workshop includes information-rich sessions on approaches to grow a sustainable community, with attendees helping shape a local path to sustainability.
The morning keynote speaker will be Kaid Benfield, senior counsel for environmental strategies at PlaceMakers LLC, based in Washington, D.C. Benfield is a nationally acclaimed author, planner, longtime leader of the smart growth movement and co-founder of the LEED for Neighborhood Development program.
The afternoon keynote speaker will be Jon Thaxton, the director of community investment at the Gulf Coast Community Foundation and former Sarasota County Commissioner. Thaxton is an acknowledged leader in growth management, environmental preservation, water conservation, and transportation planning.
Sarasota County staff that work in planning, public works, economic development, and more are encouraged to participate in the workshop. Learn best practices around state and local sustainability practices and participate in the group discussion session. Your expertise is needed to help plan sustainability goals! Please register on EventBrite, using the $20 student registration. Registration includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack using local and organic ingredients. For more information, visit