Register now for free Sarasota Fisheries Forum
Mote Marine Laboratory, Florida Sea Grant, and the University of Florida/IFAS are co-hosting a forum devoted to fisheries management issues in the Sarasota Bay area, with the intent to "proactively affect address fisheries management issues... with the intent to affect change in Sarasota anglers".
The forum will be held on Thursday, Dec. 10th, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Buchanan Room at Mote Marine Laboratory, 1599 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota.
Area anglers are invited to contribute their knowledge and interact with local fisheries researchers in an independent, community discussion to help inform fisheries management and science. The objective of the forum is to engage the community in raising issues and setting priorities for fish management locally.
Admission to the forum is free, but RSVP is required by December 8th. Phone or email Paula Clark: 941-388-4441, ext. 691.