Registration open for annual sustainability workshop
Register now for annual sustainability workshop, to transform the future
Registration is now open for Sarasota County's 15th Annual Sustainable Communities Workshop , an Oct. 29 online event to showcase strategies for healthy, resilient, thriving communities.
Under the "Transforming to New Ways Forward" theme, the webinar will draw together residents of all ages, business owners and employees, non-profit leaders, and government officials to learn about environmental, economic, and social aspects of sustainability. Featured speakers and panelists will discuss the latest sustainability strategies, resources, and best practices to forge a new way forward for our community.
Previously held as an in-person workshop, the 2020 event transitions to a webinar setting for enhanced safety and access.
"This year's online format allows us to gather a larger audience and connect them to featured speakers from anywhere in the world," said Sophia Moundous, sustainability outreach coordinator with Sarasota County UF/IAS Extension and Sustainability. "The variety of speakers will bring different perspectives to the table that will inspire communities to transform to a new way forward."
Sarasota County, like much of Florida, continues to see rapid population growth and development, increasing stresses on everything from health systems to natural resources. Against that backdrop, the annual workshop offers insight on approaches to create lasting, more-equitable communities.
Register at for the 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. workshop for information on personal and community resiliency, climate change as it relates to social equity and health, circular economy, biophilia, environmental justice, and more. Featured speakers include:
Dr. Cheryl Holder, interim associate dean at Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine at Florida International University and co-chair of Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, where she works to increase climate literacy and enhance awareness of the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations.
Dr. Leyla Acaroglu, award-winning designer, UNEP Champion of the Earth, sociologist, entrepreneur, and founder of Disrupt Design, the UnSchool, and the CO Project Farm in Portugal, who leads presentations around the world on activating positive social change.
The $10 workshop cost (students pay just $5) provides online access to the day-long event featuring expert speakers, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities. There also is an option to donate a ticket for those needing financial help to attend, with any remaining funds used toward a carbon-offset project. Sponsorship opportunities are available.
For more information and to register, visit or call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000.