Venice water main replacement to cause planned outages
Water Main Replacement Project Phase 6 UPDATE 2/8
The City of Venice Water Main Replacement Phase 6 project involves the installation of new water mains in road right-of-way to replace old water mains located in rear and side property easements, and replacement of some old water mains within the road right-of-way.
Week of Feb. 8:
A boil water advisory and potable water outage is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for water main improvements. Please follow directions on door hangers. At the end of the advisory, rescind notices will also be sent out via door hangers and the Alert Sarasota County notification system will be utilized for this advisory/outage. For any questions or concerns, please contact the Water Treatment Plant at 941-480-3333.
The contractor is connecting new water mains to the existing distribution system in the area described below:
Work will be performed on the west side of Ringling Dr. S. approximately 150 feet south of Base Ave. E. HARBOR DR. N. (between Manatee Ct. and Tampa Ave. W.)
The contractor's crews will be installing concrete valve pads and sidewalks, and continuing restoration within the right-of-way.
The contractor will have crews installing concrete sidewalk and continuing restoration within the right-of-way and on private property.
Preparation work to abandon two existing water valves will be on the east side of Nassau St. S. approximately 150 feet north of Pedro St. in a small portion of the sidewalk.
BASE AVE. E. to AIRPORT AVE. E. (between and including The Rialto and Ringling Dr. S.)
The contractor will have crews installing concrete sidewalk and other concrete work, and continuing restoration within the right-of-way and on private property.
The contractor will have crews installing concrete sidewalk and continuing restoration within the right-of-way and on private property.
During all the above work, large equipment and machinery may be on and near the roadways. Please drive slowly, use caution, and watch out for pedestrians, workers and cyclists.
Motorists shall follow posted traffic control signs.
TAMPA AVE. W. (between Nokomis Ave. N. and N. Tamiami Trl.)
Within the next two weeks, Tampa Ave. W. will have lane closures between Nokomis Ave. and N. Tamiami Trl. for permanent striping to be installed. Once it is scheduled, a separate notice will be provided.
For more information, please contact Cynthia Fitzpatrick, Utilities Project Coordinator, at 941-882-7290.