An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Sarasota County Red Tide Update, July 28

Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources (PRNR) staff continue to monitor and assess public beaches and access points for seaweed accumulation and red tide impacts. See below for today’s conditions report:


Red Tide is present at all 16 beaches in Sarasota County, and patrons will see red tide notification signs posted. As staff evaluated beach conditions today they noticed mild respiratory irritation and moderate amounts of marine debris accumulating on Lido and Siesta Beaches. As part of regular operations, PRNR staff conduct weekly beach cleaning/combing on Lido and Siesta beaches, as well as other public county beaches.

Staff will continue to evaluate conditions daily to determine if the beach cleanup policy/operation will be activated.

  • There are no Red Tide cleanup operations underway/planned for today, but staff will continue to evaluate conditions daily to determine if the beach cleanup policy/operation will be activated.

The beach cleanup policy was approved by the Sarasota County Board of County Commissioners in 2013, to provide direction for managing the removal of seaweed, dead fish and other marine debris left behind from storms and tidal changes. The policy allows Sarasota County to collect/remove marine debris manually or mechanically that span more than two-miles of public beach and are not naturally removed by tidal cycles. Status levels are used in daily reporting are none, minor, minor-moderate, moderate, moderate-major, and major.

  • Major – debris fills greater than one 5-yard truck per two-mile continuous section of beach.
  • Moderate/Major – debris fills approximately one 5-yard truck per two-mile continuous section of beach.
  • Moderate – debris observed is approximately 2.5 – 5-yards per two-mile continuous section of beach.
  • Minor/Moderate – debris observed is approximately 2.5-yards per two-mile continuous section of beach.
  • Minor – debris observed is less than 2.5-yards per two-m