Water quality roundtable attracts experts from around the Suncoast
SARASOTA – In the wake of a massive red tide outbreak, key stakeholders in the state of water quality in Sarasota Bay met at a roundtable Monday hosted by U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan.
“Red tide has wreaked havoc on marine life, our waters and the many businesses that rely on Florida’s tourism-based economy,” Buchanan was quoted in a news release.
The Suncoast is currently experiencing severe levels of red tide, which is caused by toxin-producing algae that is extremely deadly to fish and other marine life.
Those in attendance included:
Adam Blalock, Deputy Secretary for Ecosystems Restoration, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Dr. Thomas Frazer, Dean of the College of Marine Science at the University of South Florida
Ed Sherwood, Executive Director, Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Dr. Dave Tomasko, Executive Director, Sarasota Bay Estuary Program
Dr. Michael Mullan, Executive Director, Roskamp Institute
Jeff Sedacca, Advisor, Gulf Shellfish Institute
Elliot Falcione, Executive Director, Visit Manatee
Erin Duggan, Vice President, Visit Sarasota