The waters surrounding the Sister Keys are filled with shallow seagrass beds, one of the most important and productive habitats in Sarasota Bay. These areas are a nursery for many fish including snook, redfish, sea trout and flounder. They provide a home, protection and a food source for countless other species like shrimp, crabs, oysters, scallops and even manatees.
Sarasota Bay Watch is seeking volunteers to help with the cleanup, as well as captains to transport volunteers to and from the Sister Keys. You may also bring your own kayak and transport yourself!
Complimentary lunch will be provided after the cleanup at 11:30 a.m. at the Mar Vista Dockside Restaurant (limited to first 40 people who sign up).
When: Saturday, April 9, 2022. | 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (lunch at 11:30 a.m.)
Where: Launching from Mar Vista Dockside Restaurant: 760 Broadway Street, N. Longboat Key
Why: Volunteers have been cleaning up Sarasota Bay Watch’s “adopted islands” the Sister Keys since 2009 and Sarasota Bay Watch invites you to join in helping to maintain the natural diversity of this beautiful space. Volunteers will be cleaning trash and debris from the island while monitoring and removing invasive plant species to maintain the native grandeur of this waterway gem.
What to Bring: Sunscreen, insect repellent, hat, sunglasses, refillable water bottle, closed-toe shoes
Parking: Park at the Whitney Beach Plaza. A shuttle will then take you to the Mar Vista. Bring your own vessel* or sign up to be part of the crew and catch a ride with one of our volunteer boats!
*If you're bringing a boat, jonboat or kayak, please drop it off at the launch and then park at Whitney Plaza. We kindly ask that you do not park in the restaurant parking lot due to limited spaces.
The cleanup should be complete by 11:30 a.m. and then we will head back to the Mar Vista Dockside Restaurant for a complimentary lunch.
Students will receive community service hours for participating in this event!