An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

City of Venice seeking applicants for Environmental Advisory Board

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Want to get more involved in the community? Volunteering to serve on a City of Venice advisory board is an excellent way to do so.

The City currently has three vacancies on its Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) -- 2 regular members and 1 student member.

This eight-member board facilitates the development of an integrated environmental strategy by evaluating the City's current policies and practices and providing specific recommendations for improving the City's environmental impact. Recommendations are based on the examination of the City and comparison with best practices in other communities. Recommendations shall include projections of cost, manpower, time constraints and other pertinent factors for implementing the recommendations.

EAB members shall have appropriate backgrounds in environmental policy or related fields and should demonstrate an interest and knowledge in environmental issues. The board shall be composed of seven City residents or the owners of real property located within the City, and one student member from a Venice area high school recommended by the principal or designee. Five of the members must be City residents. This board meets bimonthly, the fourth Wednesday of the month, at 1 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.

More information on this board and requirements, along with an application, can be found online here. You can also contact Amanda Hawkins-Brown in the City Clerk’s Office at or 941-882-7391. All applications meeting the requirements will be considered when vacancies occur. If you are selected to serve on a City board, you will be required to comply with the state public records and sunshine laws.

Vacancies will be open for applications until filled.