An edition of: WaterAtlas.orgPresented By: Sarasota County, USF Water Institute

Water-Related News

Research finds dolphins with elevated mercury levels in Florida and Georgia

In a study with potential implications for the oceans and human health, scientists have reported elevated mercury levels in dolphins in the U.S. Southeast, with the greatest levels found in dolphins in Florida's St. Joseph and Choctawhatchee Bays.

Dolphins are considered a "sentinel species" for oceans and human health, because like us, they are high up in the food chain, live long lives, and share certain physiological traits with humans. Some staples of their diet, such as spot, croaker, weakfish and other small fish, are most vulnerable to mercury pollution and are also eaten by people.

The study, which appears in the journal Toxics, drew no conclusions about Florida and Georgia residents' mercury levels or the potential health risks to humans. It did, however, cite previous research by a different group of researchers that found a correlation between high mercury levels in dolphins in Florida's Indian River Lagoon and humans living in the area.

"As a sentinel species, the bottlenose dolphin data presented here can direct future studies to evaluate mercury exposure to human residents" in the Southeast and other potentially affected areas in the United States, the authors of the study in Toxics wrote.