This mapping application is designed to provide a summary of recent rainfall in Sarasota County, as measured by County-operated remote monitoring stations. Use the buttons at left to display cumulative rainfall for the previous day, week, or month for all stations. Click on a rainfall amount to open a popup window with a link to get station details, graphs of recent data, and a link to download the station's data.
The Sarasota County Automated Rainfall Monitoring System (ARMS) consists of remote monitoring stations located throughout the county that record rainfall and water level information and send this data in real-time to a central receiving station. The ARMS program allows interested persons to see how rainfall varies throughout the County and helps them to understand rain and water level conditions in their specific areas of interest. Data are recorded hourly, with rainfall recorded in increments of 0.10 inch. When rainfall rates exceed 1.00 inch per hour, or water level increases by 0.5 feet per hour, the ARMS system emails an alert to a County representative and to the County's weather service.
Disclaimer: the near-real time data on this page is provisional and not subjected to the quality control procedures applied to our other data sets.