Case Studies

Silting in of Sarasota Bay

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Silting in of Sarasota Bay
Author Dudley Fort
Title Concerned Citizen
Organization Sarasota Bay Estuary Program

Storm Drains that were put in before the present regulations went into effect continue to dump silt, fertilizers and fecal waste from animals into sarasota bay. There is no effective system in place to correct these polluting sources or to correct the damage that they have done. Residents who live along the affected shoreline no longer have access to deep water dockage, yet their taxes do not reflect the loss of waterfront. It would be nice to establish an educated citizens group to help correct the problems.


Project Background

For three years I have been kayaking along the bay from Whitfield Road to the Ringling Museum. There are two canals into the beach area, one at Scott Road and the other at New College. The New College canal was dredged four years ago. Numerous Manitee use this site as a refuge. The canal at Scott Road is difficult to navigate, but does provide water access for three homes o the bay.

Project Implementation

I have run aground all along the bay front trying to find a way to get into the area along Westmoreland Drive.

Project Outcomes & Conclusions

Attempts to get a dredging company to help in this area have met with many obstacles. Not only is it almost impossible to secure a dredging permit, the cost of dredging is exorbitant.

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