Learn More About Water Resources
This section is geared towards students and teachers (K-12) as well as citizens. If you are a student, use the links below to access websites and documents that can help you better understand water resources. If you're a teacher, use the links below to view Atlas-related lesson plans and links to educational resources related to education about water. If you're a citizen, use the links below to better understand the data on the Atlas and learn about maintaining the health of area water resources.
Sarasota County has 17 tidally-influenced creeks that connect to its coastal bay systems. Learn about water quality conditions in their freshwater and marine components
How water quality afffects fishing, shellfish harvesting, and recreation
How healthy are our coastal waterways? View reports on the conditions of Sarasota's six major bay systems.
A watershed management plan defines and addresses existing or future water quality problems. Experience has shown that effective watershed management includes active participation from stakeholders, analysis of the specific causes and sources of water quality problems, identification of measurable water quality goals, and implementation of specific actions needed to solve those problems.
Find information about Sarasota County beaches, and about what steps the County and its partners are taking to protect beachgoers from bacteria exposure and avert "No-Swim Advisories".
The Sarasota County Water Atlas has a new Wiki page to gather and discuss coastal watershed issues. Explore the wiki either by finding a topic or a geographic region of interest.
Improve water quality in your community waterways so you can have more birds, more fish – and more fun!
Oral histories created by students at New College for Sarasota County.
Commercial Low Impact Design (LID), sometimes called Green Infrastructure, treats rainwater as an asset rather than a liability, encouraging the capture and use of rainwater on site.
The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is a federal program designed ot reduce stormwater pollutant discharges to receiving waters of the United States.
Learn more about the eastern oyster, Crassotrea virginica, a commercially and ecologically important mollusk that is also a good bioindicator of water quality in estuarine habitats.
Formal and informal educators and their students will find sources of interesting and useful information on these pages to help them better understand Sarasota County's watery habitats.