Projects Catalog

The purpose of this database is to catalog all projects in the county which provide pollutant removal. This information is important to quantify efforts in protecting waters of the state. This information will be used for planning, regulatory compliance and historical purposes. The database will include projects that provide quantifiable reductions in Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorous (TP), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Bacteria from point or non-point-sources.

Stormwater Future Projects Dashboard

The Capital Improvement Project Portfolio consolidates potential projects identified in various Watershed Management Plans and displays them in one convenient place. This interactive dashboard allows you filter projects by certain characteristics such as estimated cost, location, category, benefit type, benefit-cost ratio, and more!

dashboard screenshot thumbnail

Interactive Project Map

  • Projects
  • WBIDs (Run 64)

Pollutant Reduction Estimates by Project

Pollutant load reductions achieved by a project are based on estimates from the best available data sources. The emphasis is on TN, TP, TSS, BOD and Bacteria however a project may achieve other benefits.

Project / Treatment Project Type WBID Completion Date Load Reductions
TN (lbs/yr) TP (lbs/yr) TSS (lbs/yr) BOD Fecal coliform (%)
Main B Channel @Beneva Rd Carwash Sediment Sump 1937 11/11/2013 350 130 31,250
Main B Channel @ Beneva Bridge Sediment Sump 1937 11/11/2013 11,550
Datura Ditch Stream Restoration Dry Swale 2030 6/25/2014 97
Datura Ditch Stream Restoration Sediment Sump 2030 6/25/2014 2,209
Alligator Creek Treatment Trains Brierwood Treament Facility/Wet Detention Pond 2030 2/14/2013 3,847 449 35,881
Alligator Creek Treatment Trains Wetland/BaffleBox 2030A 2/14/2013 94 39 351
Bafflebox - 1728 Meadowood Street @ Driftwood Ave Bafflebox 1975 4/21/2009 12 2
Bafflebox - Van Wezel Parking Lot Bafflebox 1961 7/22/2008 2 0
Bafflebox - 6022 Meadowood Street @ Hollywood Blvd Bafflebox 1975 4/21/2009 15 2
Bafflebox - Cherokee Ter @ Cherokee Dr Bafflebox 1961 3/4/2008 8 1
Bafflebox - Hyde Park @ Mcclellan water quality treatment system Bafflebox 1961 4/14/2008 9 1
Bafflebox - Ridgewood Ln @ Hollywood Blvd Bafflebox 1975 8/7/2007 22 3
Bafflebox - 3901 Red Rock Way @ Bay Rd Bafflebox 1968D 7/18/2007 76 10
Bafflebox - 800 N Lemon Ave Bafflebox 1951 4/22/2009 50 6
Bafflebox - Harmony Dr @ Northwest Dr Bafflebox 1961 3/5/2008 21 3
Bafflebox - Goodrich Ave @ 7th St Bafflebox 1951 7/30/2008 3 0
Bafflebox - Hillview St @ Laurent Pl Bafflebox 1953A 4/22/2008 28 3
Bafflebox - 121 North Blvd of the Presidents @ Madison Drive Bafflebox 1954 2/26/2009 29 3
Bafflebox - Webber St @ Lalani Blvd bike lane east bound lane Bafflebox 1937 3/27/2009 18 2
Bafflebox - Madison Drive @ Adams Drive Bafflebox 1954 3/25/2009 12 1
Bafflebox - John Ringling Blvd @ South Washington (west island) Bafflebox 1954 3/25/2009 3 0
Bafflebox - Avenida Madera & Calle Minorga Bafflebox 1968D 3/26/2009 3 0
Bafflebox - Rawls Ave @ Devonshire Ln Bafflebox 1953 2/26/2009 1 0
Bafflebox - 409 North Washington Dr @ Arthur Drive Bafflebox 1954 3/25/2009 13 2
Bafflebox - John Ringling Blvd @ N & S Washington in Median Bafflebox 1954 3/25/2009 35 4
Bafflebox - 228 Van Buren Drive @ South Washington Bafflebox 1954 3/25/2009 5 1
Bafflebox - N Lockwood Ridge Rd @ Blackjack Oak Way Bafflebox 1937 4/13/2009 193 23
Bafflebox - 216 S. Blvd of the Presidents @ Jackson Drive Bafflebox 1954 3/26/2009 62 7
Bafflebox - 103 South Washington @ Filmore Drive Bafflebox 1954 3/25/2009 3 0
Bafflebox - N Lemon Ave @ 1St St Only pipes coming in are roof drainage and under drains. Bafflebox 1951 6/17/2008 0 0
Bafflebox - 226 North Blvd of the Presidents @ N Adams Drive Bafflebox 1954 3/25/2009 10 1
Bafflebox - W Perry St North side of Road Bafflebox 2051 11/5/2014 2 0
Bafflebox - W Perry St South side of Road Bafflebox 2051 11/5/2014 1 0
Bafflebox - Nightingale Rd @ Valencia Rd South side of Road Bafflebox 2030A 5/21/2014 21 3
Bafflebox - Bafflebox - 10th Street 1951A 11/5/2018 1,532.35 55.06 117,692.51 4,389.31
Catfish Creek Regional Stormwater Facility 1984A 12/31/2010 1,168 166 266,574 5,984
Catfish Creek Regional Stormwater Facility 1984A 12/31/2010 23 70 288,788 2,496
Hudson Bayou @ Sarasota HS 1953A 1/1/2020 152 71,031
Dona Bay Phase 2 1924 12/31/2023 7,000
Celery Fields 1937 12/31/2011 15,198.7 2,039.3 528,472.3 8.05

Pollutant Reduction Estimates by WBID

Pollutant load reductions for each project are grouped by Water Body Identification Numbers (WBID).

WBID Basin Name Load Reductions
TN (lbs/yr) TP (lbs/yr) TSS (lbs/yr) BOD Fecal coliform (%)
1924 COW PEN SLOUGH 7,000
1937 PHILIPPI CREEK 15,759.7 2,194.3 571,272.3 8.05
1951A ISLAND PARK BOAT BASIN 1,532.35 55.06 117,692.51 4,389.31
1953A DRAIN TO HUDSON BAYOU 180 3 71,031
1954 LIDO KEY 172 19
1968D ROBERTS BAY 79 10
1975 49 7
1984A NORTH CREEK (TIDAL) 1,191 236 555,362 8,480
2030 ALLIGATOR CREEK (TIDAL SEGMENT) 3,847 449 38,187
2030A ALLIGATOR CREEK 115 42 351


The pollutant removals presented here are based on standard professional practices such as models approved for use by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Southwest Florida Water Management District, the National Estuary Programs or other similar methods or models. For each project the method of calculation is specifically named. If a grant or permit was involved in the project the same estimates used for the purposes of the grant or permit are the ones presented here.

Modeling and loading estimates are often based on average concentrations, typical runoff volumes or presumed conditions. Each model is different and will produce different results.